Şi când vânatul le-a scăpat Pe ei tot o să-i întâlneşti, Când se întorc de la vânat Cu tolba plină de poveşti.

Hunting subscription


Hunting in Romania is practiced only by licensed hunters who hold permanent hunting license to hunt Romans, and have a hunting license temporary foreign hunters. Organization of hunting is done by managers and owners of hunting funds.

For smooth running of hunting parties, applicants must meet the following steps:


– Will be made by the applicant and shall be sent at least 30 days before the date of the hunt.

– Reservation will be paying an advance of 30% of the estimated value of the hunt and the services ordered (at least 30 days before the date of the hunt) cancellation of the order in 15 days, entail retaining the advance fully charged.

Entry formalities hunters IN ROMANIA

Hunting in Romania is possible foreigners in urmatoerele conditions:

Hunters applicants must:
– To be members of a hunting country of residence;
– To know and accept the rules and conditions in our country;
– Entering the country with the gun is made by letter of invitation to hunt;

Present with valid documents required:
– Hunting permit;
– Weapons permit;
– Identity card / passport;
– International medical insurance Hunting Accident;
– Owned gun that wants to participate in hunting: brand, series, size;
– Hunting license;
– Dog health certificate or passport (if applicable).
Data said:
– Entry into Romania;
– Departure from Romania;
– Border crossing (input, output – if you bring your own car);
– The time required to hunt the species;
According to the legislation of Romania:
– Can be inserted up to 50 rounds per rifle / shotgun 100 rounds per gun;
– Size should not be less than 5.6 mm, it is forbidden to hunt with more than 3 rounds in charger;
– A hunter can have a maximum of 2 weapons, even if it’s the same caliber;
– Hunting dog can be brought in Romania accompanied by certified sanitary – veterinary not be older than 10 days before the date of entry into the country and be vaccinated against rabies, at least 1 month and 12 months before the date of entry into Romania.

Temporary hunting license is issued by AVPS Brown Bear, foreign hunters to hunt on the hunting practice managed by Brown Bear AVPS.